2020 Loopy Trackleaders Sign Up

Howdy Everyone in Loopy Loop Land!

Just over 4 weeks till the 3rd Annual Loopy Loop. Holy smokes where did this summer go? The good news is you got another chance to cram in a whole bunch of sick high country rides in one fat weekend! I am so excited, oh it is gonna be so rad.

We are still on for Saturday, September 5th, 4:AM start in Gunny, both loops start together. Social distancing at the start, wear a mask if you like, group will spread out quickly, but if there ends up being lots of us, we will start in 10 person groups.

Course info and maps are available here.

https://www.plotaroute.com/route/1211026 for the Shortie

https://www.plotaroute.com/route/874748 for the Biggie.

Trackleaders sign up:https://form.jotform.com/trackleaders/loopyloop20

Rracking not mandatory but appreciated, rentals available.

Hit me with questions?! There is still time.