Colorado Trail Changed My Life


The Colorado Trail has been a big part of my life, you might even say huge. I first backpacked it way back in 1993?! Time spent on that trail changed my life profoundly, giving me a deep love for; the outdoors, self powered travel, trails, mountains, and this beautiful state. So it is exciting to announce that I will be taking on the role of Race Director for the CTR, Colorado Trail Race, starting in 2020.


Me, Jefe Branham, 2013. Eddie Clark Media

Stefan is stepping down after 12 years! Stefan did much work to pioneer this route and add the many adaptations that came over the years, to create perhaps the perfect CTR course. He has overseen the start and finish, kept track of finishing times, relegations, etc. Its a lot of work and he did it all for free. The CTR is a beast of a ride and has been kept alive and well thanks to Stefan’s hard work. Huge Thanks!


Eddie Clark Media

Now I will be in charge of all that stuff. Great thing is not much else will likely change at all. The Route will remain the same unless there is significant changes to the CT itself. I will adjust the route if there are any needed detours, due to fire, trail closures, etc. The Rules will remain the same as well. DIY style riding. Not outside support, ride quietly thru the forrest, leave no trace, be nice. I will hopefully be at the start to hand out Spot trackers and give words of love, encouragement, and reminders to be nice out there! I will keep track of finish times, relegations, and such.

I do ask that you all take it easy on me as I take on this roll. I’m not the best website administrator, I will have much to learn to keep up with recorded stats, important info alerts, etc. I am also a very busy person, I have a 7 month old daughter, a 140 year old house, and a brand new marriage.  I hope to not need any excuses, but time is tough to come by sometimes, that being said I will get the needed info out in a timely and approachable manner and that most will not notice a difference, or so I hope! We are all lucky to have this amazing route right there to challenge us, to keep us dreaming and reaching. Lets remember that as we go about our own CTR adventures, how lucky we are to be able to take these things on!